Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Joy Comes in the Morning

I weighed myself yesterday. Big mistake. It was kind of like finding out that your car needs a new transmission the same day your a/c goes out in the house. It was not exactly the number I had been hoping for. So, this piled on top of a lot of other garbage we'd been dealing with, did not make for a real fantastic day. I decided instead to stay in my sweaty gym clothes eating candy corn. Luckily, after a good cry, a shower, a deep brushing of my teeth, and a solid eight hours of sleep the world started looking a bit brighter. An hour of cardio today helped as well.

Here is what I learned, it's okay to have a day that sucks. Its okay to not look on the bright side every once in a while. I know that at times I can be a little co-dependent. I have a tendency to carry the happiness of others on my shoulders, as a wife and a mom it is often a requirement of the job. There are a lot of people depending on me. But I can only hold it together so long, eventually my happy bubble will burst and spew forth bubble gum flavored sewage. Yesterday the number on the scale was that pin. 

The problem is that I have a bit of an issue with weight and body image. It's kind of a big deal in my life, something I have spent a lot of emotional energy trying to heal, and all of a sudden I felt like I was back to square one.  I couldn' t believe a number on the scale still had that kind of control over my happiness. But guess what? It doesn't! It was just a bad day.

My favorite verse in the bible is in Psalms, "Though sorrow may last through the night, joy comes in the morning." Life isn't always beautiful and happy, and even though I know my blessings are countless, there are days when the ugly parts of seem to satrurate all that is good. On those kinds of days, maybe it's okay to be real with ourselves and acknowledge that we're not doing so well. I believe there is a place for sorrow, a time to let tears flow, a time to eat candy corn in sweats. Because with the rising of the sun, joy will begin to rise in our hearts and a new day will dawn.


  1. It's muscle...truly..all the fusion stuff will make muscles appear where you didn't think you had any..and it's also..well..It WAS a crappy day. You're the best. Totally enjoyed reading!

  2. Well said Shauna. We *all* have those days (mine have been happening a lot lately), but a good reminder that the amount of gravity we put forth on the earth shouldn't control our mood!

    Pictures are spectacular!! Making me excited for our family pictures Nov. 7!
